In this wet/cold/snowy/warm/sunny January, depending on where you live, we present Issue 2 to brighten up your day. Inside, you’ll find stories supernatural, mystical, quirky, whimsical and realist, tackling themes of vanity, the pull of the past, change, love, disputes, disappointment, decline and death, though not all in one story.

Yet again, we take our hats off to our diligent volunteer readers. Some will be moving on, others have joined us, but there’s always room for more, so if reading for Thin Skin interests you, drop us a line at [email protected]

It’s been a steep learning curve for us, and as time goes by we hope to add features to make reading Thin Skin even more pleasurable. Throughout this, we will stay true to our mission, showcasing the work of writers over 50, and allowing our ‘late starters’ to bloom.

We’re now accepting submissions for Issue 3 (Yay!). If you’re planning to submit, please read our submissions page and do what it says! If you submitted in the wrong font or layout, we will send it back to you to correct. And please, no PDF’s. We can’t edit them or make comments on them and any PDF’s submitted will be returned to you to reformat.

Finally, we know that writing can be a thankless task and getting rejections is par for the course. If you want greater insight as to why your story may not have been accepted, there’s a new sub-menu on the submissions page to help you along, entitled 10 Reasons Why We Didn’t Accept Your Story. Also, if you want detailed feedback, don’t forget we offer a feedback service (for a price. We’re lenient but not that lenient.)

Right, that’s enough of those pesky writers. Time to immerse yourself in Issue 2.


The Thin Skin team.